Want some free reading? I added a Sample Chapters page to my website. Just click on the book widget and view in full screen. It's a little slow loading, but you can read anywhere from 10-25 pages of my books. You can also click here for my author page at fReado which has all but one of my books.
Can you beleive we're already halfway thru July? I don't know about you but it's been a busy month for me. I'm waist deep in editing and formating my November release, Sabotage, for Desert Breeze Publishing, and working on a few other projects under deadlines. If there were only more hours in the day.
Speaking of projects, do you have an eBook reader? If you do, I'd be really interested in hearing what your experience has been thus far. What kind do you have? Do you like eBooks better than prints? Whatever you'd like to share. I'm compiling information for an article I've been asked to write, and since I don't personally own one, hearing from those who do would be a huge help. And in case you didn't know, all but one of my books are available as eBooks now. Sorry, just had to toss that in :-).
Hey, do you like live chats? Coming up July 22nd, The Sweetest Romance Authors are having one at our chat room beginning at 7pm (CTS). It's my turn to line up a guest so I wrangled author/pro editor Barbara Warren into being my guest. Barbara is the owner of Blue Mountain Editorial Services. I used her on two of my first books, she is a fantastic editor. Barbara will also be doing an interview here on July 26th so be sure to drop by. She gives some great advice for new and already published authors.
Well that's all the news I have so I'm going to shut up and go fix me some smore pop tarts since I skipped dinner. Take care friends!
Out of the Darkness was fantastic, Anne, but I have to tell you Fire and Ash is your best yet!
I hope you you turn this one into a series.
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